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Minister’s Message on International Women’s Day 2024

Hello, everyone. I am KATO Ayuko, Minister in charge of Women’s Empowerment and Minister of State for Gender Equality.

Today, March 8, is International Women's Day, established by the United Nations in 1975. International Women's Day gives us an opportunity to think about gender equality worldwide, with events taking place in many countries.

For the Government of Japan, gender equality and women’s empowerment are important policies to realize a society in which all people can find their purpose in life, and individuality and diversity are respected.

Based on this recognition, the Kishida Administration has been working on its initiatives by positioning “women’s economic empowerment” at the core of the “New Form of Capitalism”, which is the main policy of our administration.

Japan chaired the G7 Presidency in 2023; held the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, for the first time in Japan; and issued the Nikko Statement, the joint statement of the G7 Gender Equality Ministers, as an outcome document.

The Nikko Statement comprehensively reviews and analyzes the negative impact that women and girls disproportionately experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, and outlines cross-sectoral policies to address gender issues, such as barriers to women’s economic empowerment and gender-based violence.

The Government of Japan aims to further promote efforts toward gender equality and women’s empowerment while making the best use of the Nikko Statement.

As part of these efforts, we will work hard to realize a society in which all people can feel safe, based on the New Act on Support for Women Facing Difficulties that supports women facing various complex and compounded difficulties, and the Revised Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims to expand support for survivors and victims.

In addition, we will disseminate Japan’s initiatives to the international society and make further contributions to efforts toward gender equality and women’s empowerment in the international community.

This year, the Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurred on January 1, and the difficult situation continues. I would like to express my condolences to those who lost their lives in the earthquake, and my sympathy for all those affected by the disaster.

A gender perspective is essential at the time of disaster as well. In order to achieve a Disaster-resilient society, it is important that women play an active role in decision-making process and in the field of disaster prevention, fully considering the differences between men and women regarding the impact of disasters and their needs.

I visited the disaster-affected region and reaffirmed the need to promote women’s participation in the field and to speak about the importance of a gender perspective.

We will continue to provide more precise support by understanding the needs of the affected areas to ensure initiatives based on a gender perspective including safety and security in shelters.

In recent years, regardless of gender, people have become more aware of gender inequality issues than ever. Gender equality is important for everyone. I believe that when not only women but also men are free from gender stereotypes, gender equality and women’s empowerment will further move forward, and I emphasize the importance that all women and men recognize themselves as agents of change.

The Government of Japan renews its determination to work toward a society in which all people can realize their dreams and goals on the stage as they wish, whether it be in the workplace, at home, in their local communities, in education, or anywhere, while allowing them to demonstrate their individuality and capabilities.

March 8, 2024

KATO Ayuko

Minister in charge of Women’s Empowerment
Minister of State for Gender Equality