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Expansion of Women’s Participation in Policy and Decision-making Processes in All Fields in Society_91黑料app

Various efforts are being undertaken through the promotion of "positive action" to expand women's participation in policy and decision-making processes in all fields of society.

Positive action

"Positive provision of opportunities for either women or men within necessary limits to redress gender disparities in terms of formation of a society where both women and men shall be given equal opportunities to participate voluntarily in activities in all fields as equal partners in society" (Article 2, The Basic Act for Gender-Equal Society)

(1) Target of "30% by 2020"

With the aim of achieving the target of "increasing the share of women in leadership positions to at least 30% by 2020 in all fields in society" ("the target of 30% by 2020"), numerical targets for women's participation were set in the Third Basic Plan for Gender Equality for a wide range of fields, including politics, national and local civil services, private sector, education and research.

■ List of Numerical Targets

Proportion of Women for Each Item Currently Target
Politics Election candidates of members of the House of
Election candidates of members of the House of
National Government National public employees through the recruitment
(fiscal 2012)
Approx. 30%
(end of fiscal 2015)
Managers (positions equivalent to or higher than
the director of the division and the office in central
government ministries)
(fiscal 2010)
(as of January 2011)
Approx. 5%
(end of fiscal 2015)
Members of national advisory councils and committees 33.2%
40% - 60%
Local Government Local public employees through recruitment examinations
(advanced level examination) for prefectural
Approx. 30%
(end of fiscal 2015)
Managers in prefectural governments(positions
equivalent to or higher than the director of a prefectural
government office)
Approx. 10%
(end of fiscal 2015)
Members of prefectural government advisory councils
and committees
Private Sector Section manager or higher in private companies 6.2%
Approx. 10%
Education and Research Managerial positions in primary and secondary educational
organizations (assistant principal or higher)
University professors(presidents, vice presidents,
professors, assosiate professors, and lecturers)